Jumaat, 25 September 2015

Turning Off Digi Caller Ring Tone

Turning off your caller ring tone is a problem. Yep, surf digi website for answers and you would not get one. Why would there be one? They'll make no money out of it.

So just dial CT STOP <ID lagu> and send to 20000.


CT OFF <ID lagu>

Since i got my ID Lagu from youtube, I went back for it.
But after sending multiple request over a few months, the caller ring tune still there.

I sent CT OFF and CT STOP both didn't work. So I call Digi customer service.
And it worked just fine.

Was it RM 2 per month ?

Technical support sent me this.

Rabu, 23 September 2015

Digi Customer Service

Kalau korang call Digi Customer Service atau Digi Helpline atau Digi Khidmat Pelanggan.., press 4 then 0 untuk "bercakap dengan pegawai perkhidmatan kami"

Kalau tak korang akan tunggu selama 2 minit 28 saat untuk dapat tekan option tu. Slow.. Lepas tu ada pulak pemberitahuan "perbualan anda mungkin akan dirakam untuk membantu kami.." which will last another 15 20 seconds kot.

Ingat, tekan 0 lepas tu 4 untuk cakap dengan manusia.

Last sekali aku dapat info, digi Helpline still free. Tak tau la.. Tapi apps dia free.

Jumaat, 11 September 2015

Games Art Logo


Boleh tak cecah 31K tahun ni ? 800 lagi?

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